วันอังคารที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Letter from the pastor

Dear friends,

The Lenten season which we are in is a time for looking inward, a time for self-evaluation and self-examination in order to recognize our sins and go through a process of repentance and renewal. We are asked to fast on certain days during Lent. Some people go a bit further by “giving up” something that they normally like to do, like eating ice cream, or going out to bars and restaurants. Some people give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking or gossipping.
However, giving up alone is not necessarily enough and tends to look at Lent in a negative light. Instead of giving up, some people have come to realize that it is also beneficial to “take on” something. Some will choose to go to church more often, or help the poor more regularly, or take more time for prayer and meditation.
As we go through Lent, there are some things that we can do in order to help us get the most out of this season so that we can come out of it renewed.
First, practice mindfulness. This means to be more aware of life, of the things around us. Take time to appreciate nature, listen to the sound of the birds, look into the eyes of the people we meet. Let us live in the present and enjoy every moment given to us by God.
Second, learn to let go. Make our lives simpler by giving up unnecessary possessions, thoughts, desires, and expectations. Making ourselves more empty will enable us to receive other things that God intends to grant to us.
Third, develop intimacy with God. Make time for prayer throughout the day, when we’re driving to work, when we’re in line at the bank, when we’re having a rest after lunch. Be aware of God’s presence in our life throughout the day, and see how God continually walks with us and is always ready to develop intimacy with us.
Lent doesn’t have to be just a time when we live in guilt and shame, thinking about all the wrong things that we have done. Instead, it can be a life-giving opportunity for us to let go of the things that weigh us down, allowing us to grow, to be more connected to God, and to be grateful for all that God has done for us.
May God grant us the grace to be willing to make the most out of this special season that the Church has set aside for us.

